A reminiscence from an old colleague at LogicaCMG...

Created by Peter one year ago

My goodness, it's a long time ago now. Pete was part of my team at ECGD at the turn of the century (and, as I recall it, OFCOM afterwards - though I have to confess that the mists of time have interfered with my recollections...). Pete was an enthusiastic contributor in so many ways. I remember him as highly competent and someone who, no matter how hard the going got, always just calmly got on with sorting it out. I think Pete helped me to be a better manager and I hope I helped him a little on the way too. I'm sure that many who worked with him will have a similar story to tell.

I was fascinated to see a picture of Pete on this site at the controls of a Bristol Bulldog aeroplane! A shared interest I didn't know we had!

As is so often the way of things, I lost touch with Pete as he moved off to a career as an independent consultant and I went off to do different projects for Logica and then retired to Germany in 2011. I was very sad to hear that he had died - and so young. It really isn't fair.

My heartfelt sympathy to Sally and the family.